Q: I’ve worked hard to increase my attractiveness but I still feel like I’m attracted to people more attractive than me. How can I “level the playing field?”
A: While there is some research supporting the theory of “assortative mating” – the idea that people generally gravitate toward mates who are around the same attractiveness as them – there are some factors that seem to help a guy succeed in snagging a more attractive partner. Here’s one.
Research tends to ...
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Influences on Men’s Apparel Color Choices | How Others Influence Your Fashion Choices
Q: People seem to be influenced by others when making fashion choices. How are men influenced by their friends and family regarding their fashion choices?
A: There is research that suggests two main ways that people are influenced by others in their fashion choices: Normative and Informational influences (I’ll explain what those mean later). Men and women are equally influenced by normative influences but men seem to be less interested in informational influences. Additionally, men are less ...
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Types of Socially Responsible Clothing and Price | How Social Responsibility Affects Brand Consciousness
Q: Nowadays people are interested in “socially responsible” brands and are willing to pay a higher price for them. What kinds of labels are socially responsible, are people willing to pay more for them, and how much more are they willing to pay?
A: The answers you’re looking for are answered in an interesting study from the University of Missouri, in Columbia Missouri. It was published in the Journal of Consumer Marketing in 2011.
Two researchers from the University ...
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5 Styles of Flirting and Behavior | How to Know if a Woman is Flirting With You
Q: How do I know when a woman is flirting with me, what are the types of flirting, and how can I tell?
A: Welcome to the modern era, when science answers pressing sociobiological questions like: “What are the five main styles of flirting?” And indeed, science has identified five main ways that flirting happens, and what behaviors to look for with each one.
Previous research has identified a few ways to “initiate courtship” in scientific terms (AKA flirt).
Two ...
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How Diet Affects Attractiveness | Eat Better, Smell Better, Be More Attractive
Q: I’m convinced that fragrance is a way to a woman’s heart. How can I improve this, naturally?
A: Easy. Through the age-old principle of “you are what you eat,” you can improve how you smell (and therefore, how attractive you are to women” by simply improving your diet.
In a study published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior, a team of researchers concluded that women can pick up quite a bit of information through how a man smells.
Previous research ...
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Does My Sexual History Make Me Attractive? How Women Perceive Men With Too Much Sexual History
Q: I hear a lot of guys brag about their sexual history, and some guys complain about having almost no sexual history. How does this come across to women?
A: The evidence from a recent study suggests that having some sexual history is fine, but too much of a history will keep people away.
In 2016, a study was published in The Journal of Sex Research on how a person’s “sexual history” comes across to potential partners or mates.
In previous research, there was ...
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Do Women find Tattoos Attractive? How Women Perceive Men with Tattoos
Q: I’m thinking about getting a tattoo. Will women find me more attractive?
A: There’s a lot of individual differences of course, but there’s evidence that, overall, women will not find you more attractive with a tattoo. Additionally, women find men with tattoos to be healthier, more masculine, dominant, and aggressive, but as worse partners and parents. The researchers also found that tattoos are also about competition to other men – men rated men with tattoos as more attractive to ...
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Background Music and First Dating Impressions | How Music Affects First Date Attraction
Q: Can I use music to gain an edge on a first date?
A: Yep. There’s evidence that background music in real life works the same way as it does in the movies. Having music may even make people’s romantic feelings stronger on a first date.
In a study published in the journal Psychology of Music in 2015, some Japanese researchers examined whether having background music on during a first date conversation enhanced “the mood.”
Countless movies and TV shows use ...
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Does Musical Talent Attract Women? How Your Ability to Play Music Appeals to Women
Q: There’s that old joke that “chicks like dudes with guitars.” Is there any merit to that?
A: There’s some evidence that it’s true. Thank you, science.
It has been known for centuries that there’s a pretentious dude with a guitar at every party, and for some reason he seems to attract a group of women around him.
But is that a myth? Does musical ability have any relationship to attractiveness?
A group of French researchers conducted a study on this ...
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What Makes a Man Attractive in Speed Dating? How to Achieve Initial Attractiveness
Q: What are some of the factors that lead to attraction in a short time?
A: Speed dating studies give us an opportunity to examine some factors that cause initial attractiveness.
Previous research has identified some strong ways that people become attracted to another. Here are some of them:
“Birds of a Feather Flock Together.” Sometimes people become attracted to each other because they have things in common.
This could be cultural ...
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