Discover The Secret To Leveraging The Science Of Style So YOU Can Earn More Money, Command Respect From Strangers, & Better Attract Women.


All Of This Within 30 Days - Or Your Money Back.


Is Your Current Presentation
Secretly Sabotaging
Your Efforts To Succeed?

  • You’re a grown man still dressing like a boy.
  • You've invested time and money into college degrees - YET STILL you don't get ahead.
  • Women IGNORE you. In fact you can't remember that last time you received a compliment.
  • You don't look like THE MAN in charge. In fact you've been passed over for promotion.
  • You can’t tell quality clothing from junk
  • You have no idea what clothing compliments you
  • Your clothes make you look lanky, short, and fat
  • You have limited funds to build your wardrobe

What if you could develop a masculine image that signals trust, success and power?


What if you were provided a road-map to build this sense of style in less than a single month?


What if you were granted access to a community of like-minded men to help you master the habits to ensure this transformation lasts?

Imagine Having An IMAGE

  • CONFIDENCE - You know what you're doing and have control of the situation
  • INTELLIGENCE - You appear not only competent, but you're assumed to be smarter based simply off first impressions!
  • SEX APPEAL - The ability to attract others leveraging subconscious cues in appearance and mannerisms.
  • PERSUASION - One study showed how well dressed men are more likely to be followed, even when breaking the law.
  • SUCCESS - We all have a vision of what a successful man looks like - you discover how to become that vision.
  • POWER - Build shoulders, trimmed waist, well proportioned hands and feet.....all of this signals primal strength.
  • RESPECT - The right image commands respect from strangers, it evokes the hidden rank structure in societies.
  • TRUST - Which leads to more sales and less second guessing by your clients/patients/boss.

The Personal Image System - Your Step-By-Step Roadmap To Success

The Personal Image System is the world's most comprehensive presentation course designed specifically for men who want to control their personal and professional style.

The Personal Image System can be taken anywhere, at anytime, by anyone.  This online course provides the opportunity for as detailed and specific classes and learning as you need.

Inside the Personal Image System you will discover:

  • The 7 Equations That Make Style Simple (The Formula)
  • The 21 Item Essential Wardrobe (The Formula)
  • The 10 Steps To Up Your Style In 24 Hours (The Formula)
  • The 21 Parts Blueprint Course (The Blueprint)
  • Bonus Content And A Lot More...

    Finally, the “all-in-one” course that just works:

    • Even if… you don’t have a lot of money to invest
    • Even if… you are a middle-aged father
    • Even if… you are not an executive employee
    • Even if… you have no idea about style
    • Even if… you don’t know what colors suit you
    • Even if… you could never tell what quality looks like
    • And yes… especially if you want to use style to your advantage to earn more money, get into the relationship you deserve and attract the success others have in your own life!

    How is The Personal Image System Different?

    The Personal Image System is the only comprehensive men’s style course, which you can take anywhere and dramatically improve your style in less than 6 weeks.

    The first part of the Personal Image System, The Formula will take you through a 3-day course that will set you on the right path to taking action.

    Just using the knowledge that you will gain in The Formula, you are guaranteed to notice immediate results.

    You can take this course and listen to it on your ipod...

    ... download the pdf transcript and read it

    ... watch and download the videos in each section

    ... download the high-quality graphics

    ... access it on your mobile device

    You can do any of that in your own time.

    I want to make it easy for you to follow through the course and take action.

    The Blueprint, the second part of the Personal Image System, is the option for those gentlemen who are ready to commit and take serious steps toward achieving a unique and masculine personal style.

    The Blueprint comprises my work with thousands of men over my career and presents you with the 21-Step Roadmap To Image Transformation.

    Here you discover everything you will ever need to know about style in an easy-to-follow course.

    You will learn about what style suits your body type (Lesson 4)

    ... how to easily match patterns (Lesson 6)

    ... how to dress appropriately for your age (Lesson 9)

    ... style and sex appeal (Lesson 13)

    ... business and casual clothing (Lessons 16 & 17)

    ... and much more.

    In the Core Wardrobe, part of The Blueprint, I introduce you to over 60 individual pieces of clothing that men around the world have worn for decades so that you can make an informed decision according to your individual style and needs.

    My clients shared that going through this transformation was the best decision in their lives.

    They became noticed at their workplace – their professional style certainly distinguished them (Lesson 16) as people with expertise – even when they didn’t really change their working patterns.

    In result, they consistently received the positive ratings they really deserved and advanced quickly in their careers (We go into a lot more detail in the Bonus section - Economics and Image).

    This boost in confidence certainly impacted their personal lives too.


    Well, women were simply more attracted to them – because they were among the few who understood the power of their personal image and how to use it to their advantage (Lesson 13)!

    I invite you to make this initial step toward transforming your life and enjoying the rewards of the process.


    “I love the fact that anyone can change their lives and entire outlook – it may need a nice push from a good friend and Antonio makes it really easy when he surrounds you in a community of supportive like-minded individuals!”


    “Dressing well gave me the confidence to put myself out there, and the credibility to be given a chance to prove myself. Now my outward appearance truly mirrors my inner man.”


    “I had been unemployed for quite a few years… I just recently got a holiday job at a classy department store.By dressing more professionally, I had much moreconfidence going into the interview.”


    How Can Style Affect Your Current Life?

    Imagine if you knew the secret to influence people's opinion of you before even saying a word.

    Do you often find yourself in a hurry, perhaps even every morning before going to work?

    You stumble out of bed, wash-up, have a quick breakfast and a sip of coffee… and then rush to your wardrobe to choose the clothes for the day, without knowing what to wear?

    And not just once or twice.

    Every day. Every week. Every year.

    Tired of wearing the same clothes, perhaps even knowing that they are not good for you… but still wearing them because you don’t know what is actually right for you.

    For the rest of your life…

    What If Life Was Different For You?

    Imagine if all your clothes were organized and layed down for you from the night before, ready to be put on in the morning.

    We cover all this and much more, such as how to clean and condition your shoes, how to maintain your clothing, what grooming habits you should have set in place in the Blueprint Bonus Section: Habits of Stylish Men.

    It's Monday morning.

    First, you wake up knowing that you have the time for yourself and don’t have to worry about picking what to wear.

    You proceed with your morning routine – shower, breakfast, coffee.

    Then you go to your wardrobe only to find the right clothes for you – polished shoes, clean and pressed suit and shirt, a tie and a pocketsquare.

    Altogether - a complete and stylish ensemble.

    What If You Felt Like A Million Dollars When You Put Your Clothes On?

    Imagine the confidence you will have throughout your day, knowing that you can achieve anything you set your mind onto.

    You see a successful man - your style shows power, makes you look taller and stronger.

    It is an automatic process. You have a system, a set of rules to follow (Blueprint Bonus Section: Habits of Stylish Men) that work for you and that get you the results you want every day.

    How different is your life in result of this easy change?

    Your relationships with women have improved as well.

    You enjoy the interest of women and the ability to attract the type of woman you want in your life.

    You get to work confident that people see you as a valuable team player.

    You feel accomplished due to your work within your team and with your clients.

    People around you see you as the authority in your field of work and seek your expertise – you simply signal professionalism and others trust you (Lesson 2).

    Your work is important not only for you, but your superiors also notice it and appreciate it.

    In fact, you had your first promotion since two years, just last week.

    You start to wonder how you lived before and why you didn’t take steps towards improvement earlier…

    “First I’m a father of 4 and didn’t want to dress worse than my eldest son. Second, I started working as a barber and wanted to dress up in the industry. And thirdly I just wanted to look like a man and be treated as such.

    I grew up without my father around and didn’t have anyone to look up to, so I just copied my friends and dressed like they did. To cut this short, I just wanted to look professional in my line of work and I didn’t want to let my children down anymore.

    I’m a man, a father and I want to be treated like one.


    Can Anyone Learn About Men's Style Without Any Prior Knowledge?

    Yes, absolutely.

    In fact, I know it, because this is my story.

    Hi, I am Antonio Centeno.

    Father, husband, US Marine Veteran turned custom clothier and founder of RealMenRealStyle.

    I live in Wittenberg, Wisconsin, USA (Population 1,113).

    Before I went to the US Marines, I didn’t know anything about what certain clothing signalled, how a jacket should fit and why it is important that my clothes are functional and serve me.

    Like most men out there, I just didn’t pay attention to the way I dressed – it just wasn’t a priority in my life.

    I just knew what I liked and what I didn’t like. I had no idea about fit, fabric or style.

    I simply dressed like everyone else.

    After all, I asked myself on a subconscious level – if no one pays attention to how they are dressed…

    Why should I?

    In the US Marines, I quickly learned my lesson - those of us that didn’t pay attention to their uniforms had problems with the superiors…

    Even more than that, I learned that clothing signals certain things about the person wearing. Think about it… soldiers have uniforms for a reason… doctors, lawyers, mechanics, coaches do so too (Lesson 2 & 5).

    After I left the US Marines I knew that I can help men dress sharp, apply timeless style principles and attract success…

    So after an intense period of training and learning, I started my first company – A Tailored Suit – I got in the business of creating bespoke clothing and consulted thousands of men on how to create their own personal style.

    In 2010, I decided that it was time to reach more men around the world and teach them how to improve their style.

    So, I created RealMenRealStyle …

    What is Real Men Real Style All About?

    … a YouTube channel and a website to provide men with the tools to educate themselves and build a wardrobe that complements their individual style.

    Fast forward to today...

    ... I have made more than 400 videos, viewed 16,000,000+ times and am the author of several best-selling books: Dress Like a Man, Classic, Hairstyles For Men, Large Man’s Guide To Style, etc.

    I have helped thousands of men create a masculine and functional style that works for them – they have all mastered the principals of success and created a wardrobe that serves them.

    I have spent a lot of money on learning from the best tailors in the world and travelled in many countries just for the opportunity to speak with them.

    Fortunately, you don’t have to walk that same path.

    I will share with you all that you would ever need to know to dress sharp and look the part.

    In other words, I will help you build a system that will serve you for the rest of your life and will save you thousands of dollars in the long-run.

    How Can The Personal Image System Guarantee You Success?

    I am going to show you how you can create a unique style by teaching you the fundamental principals (The Formula), importance of color, type of clothing for any occasion, all of it.

    I want you to use this course and attract success to your life immediately, starting from today, just like thousands of men have already done so regardless of where they live.

    This isn't just a dream or the story of the rich.

    This isn't just something "other" people do.

    More than 3000 men have been through this course and the results they get are astounding. As part of the Personal Image Blueprint I give you the exact step-by-step process that I use when I consult clients.

    A Proven System: 3,000+ Students, 7 Years

    If you are wondering if the Personal Image Blueprint would work for 50-year olds or 20-year old – let me tell you – it does!

    I know it because we tested it!

    It doesn’t matter how old you are, how fit you are, how tall you are or which country you live with. What I am going to show you is how you can succeed despite what you might consider a disadvantage.

    We go into a lot more detain in the Blueprint on understanding body types and dressing your age (Lessons 4 & 9).

    We invested thousands of hours building this system so you could save time and not have to reinvent the wheel.

    I have also spent a lot of my time working with customers one-on-one and now I share the very best findings from 7 years of experience.

    You can become the man you always wanted to be, even if you are not sure where to start from.

    “Antonio, the way you structured the Core Wardrobe module really gave me a concrete advice on what to prioritize when shopping. Now I really see how this course has helped me to put this knowledge into context and make practical use of it.

    I am really starting to come to a point now, where I feel I have mastered the basics of man style and feel confident about what to wear and when (and looking great doing so) – thanks you so much for that!”


    Create your own unique style that gets you noticed, that helps you communicate on a higher levels with the people that are important to you. Experience the joy of your success in any area of your life.

    Now, I am ready to show you how you can do too.

    But, first let me address an important question...

    "Can't I Just Find and Read This Information On My Own?"

    The truth is that you can.

    In fact, I have spent hundreds of hours learning from books, tailors and other men before I created Real Men Real Style.

    But even if you spend that much time learning about style it would simply not be enough.

    Just think about it - if there is so much free information about men's style out there, why haven't you created your own style then?

    Maybe you are waiting to lose some weight, or maybe you are telling yourself that now is not a good time because you don’t have the money to spend on new clothes…

    But then, when I ask men if they think that improving their style will help them reach their goals, the response is usually “YES!”.


    It is pretty clear to most of us – even on a subconscious level we understand that other people judge us and form their opinion of us based on the way we look.

    We know when a successful man walks into a room – it is quite obvious…

    The way he is dressed, all details in place, the way he is groomed, the way he moves and speaks – all this has been wired into our brains and culture (Lesson 1) – it is a way to recognize leaders and those who we can rely on.

    So what is the problem here?

    When Is The Right Time To Learn About Men's Style?

    The right time is NOW.

    If you want to be successful and stand out from the competition, you need to be perceived as the man who can do this (Lesson 18).

    How come do we all say that we want to improve our style, we understand how important that is for our careers, relationships, personally – but we fail at it?

    Well, some of the most common reasons I hear from men who are “gathering information” – they will figure it out later:

    • “If I learn how to combine colors, then I will invest in my style…”

    We cover everything you will ever need to know about combining colors and patters in a simple but powerful way in Lessons 5 & 6.

    • “I need to find out what clothes really good on me … for work, for night outs…”

    You can now discover the secrets about how to dress sharp on a night out in town (Blueprint Bonus Section) and also in the work place (Lesson 16).

    • “Maybe I should experiment with certain styles and see how my friends react…”

    Or Maybe You Are Just Making Excuses.

    You see, there is a difference between men who really want to improve, to get the job, to attract that special girl… and those who kind of want it… but not bad enough.

    The second type – they follow style blogs or read bits of information here and there, every once in a while.

    But to become the best man you can be, you have to understand a fundamental truth:

    Men Who Want Something Out Of Life Take Massive Action

    We have been told time and time again – ” it’s better to have a lot of information – this will help you make the right decision”.

    Ask yourself this: How important is it for you to take control of your life now?

    Today. Not tomorrow.

    Not some day in the future…

    And if you are one of those people “gathering information” and I ask you to tell me how you can improve your style right now – could you?

    Would you know …

    • What are the right steps to better your style (The Formula: 10 Steps To Up Your Style)?
    • How to create a functional wardrobe of essential items (The Formula: 21 Items Essential Wardrobe)?
    • What are the pattern rules of combining pieces of clothing (The Blueprint: Lesson 6)?
    • How to invest your money in timeless menswear (The Blueprint: Lesson 20)?

    Why not? Theoretically, you could find all of that “information” online for free…so why haven’t you?

    Why Do You Need More Than Just Information?

    Most men try to research the information on their own hoping to find the right answers.

    The truth is that it is just…

    ...too overwhelming.

    You don’t know where to start.

    You don’t know who to trust, there are even sources that talk give opposing views to what you have read before…

    In result, you never take action, because you are afraid to fail.

    Most men think that there is no logic in style –
    “It all comes down to what you like and don’t like…”

    But if you are reading this, you know that that is not true.


    Your preferences certainly are a major factor, but there are style rules that you should use as a guidance to achieve a timeless, sharp look.

    In the Blueprint I go into a lot more detail that will show you how you can develop a trully unique and timeless style that shows your own personality.

    But, it is not just information that we need – if it were then all men would dress well and would signal those masculine traits that style puts forward.

    In order to change you style and approach, you need to change your way of thinking first (Blueprint: Lesson 1).

    Which Of These 7 False Beliefs Are Holding You Back
    From Mastering Your Style Image?

    I invested a lot of time studying what were those inner beliefs that men have when it comes to approaching style.

    I discovered that there are seven fundamental beliefs that we have that are frankly … holding us back from achieving the goal of mastering style. Take a look at those that apply to you:

    • False Belief #1: “Why would anyone even care how I dress?”

    This is a big one.

    As men, we tend to think that people don’t judge us by the way we look, but by how good we are at what we do.

    Becoming good at your job takes a lot of effort, hard work and knowledge – something that other appreciate when it comes to working with you.

    But what is the first impression that you make?

    Do you look the part?

    Let me ask you this – if you went to the see a doctor and he or she wasn’t wearing a white doctor’s coat would you be confident that they are a professional and can really help you?

    At the same time, every time you see your doctor and they wear a coat, do you wonder if they are a real doctor (even if it the first time you meet them)?


    Most likely, you form your judgement without even thinking about it – in an instant moment you know whether or not you should trust this person.

    The most important part is that this doesn’t apply to medical professionals only.

    This type of judgement happens every time you meet and communicate with someone and it can have a HUGE impact on how you are perceived in result (Lesson 2).

    • False Belief #2: “I don’t know where to start from…”

    Where do I start?

    Yes… I know the frustration – there must be a million websites teaching you about fashion, image, grooming, style, clothes, shoes – you name it…

    Some tell you that you need office or work wardrobe, others focus on leisure wear, some talk about sportswear…

    ... where do you start – it doesn’t even make sense.

    You need to focus on the essential items in a man’s wardrobe (see the Formula: 21 Item Essential Wardrobe), which will allow you to combine items and have different outfits that look good every time you wear them.

    You will learn how to build a wardrobe that is versatile and functional, a wardrobe that is stylish and will give you a distinct manly appearance.

    • False Belief #3: “How would I know if I don’t look bad?”

    Do you always ask others for their opinion about what to buy?

    Or perhaps, someone is buying clothes for you and you end up looking bad?

    There is nothing wrong with getting feedback from others, but when it comes to your style you need to know what make you look great and where to buy it.

    If you were to simply follow the guidance of a style formula (The Formula) and apply the rules of timeless man’s style – I can guarantee you that you will look sharp every time.

    But you don’t need my guarantee… you will see it for yourself by the way others talk to you, the way they perceive you and the amount of compliments you get on a daily basis.

    • False Belief #4: “I don’t have the money to invest in a new wardrobe…”

    I get that a lot.

    Men’s clothing is expensive – especially the high-quality items.

    The truth is that you don’t build a wardrobe in a day – you slowly add to it – piece by piece (The Blueprint: Lesson 21).

    But here is the problem… if you don’t know what to buy, do you not end up wasting money?

    If you can’t tell quality items when you them on sale, aren’t you missing out?

    When you can’t tell if a piece of clothing is timeless and will look good great today and tomorrow – aren’t you just buying clothing that you will wear just a couple of times before it becomes one of the items in an unfunctional wardrobe?

    Think about it… if you were to invest money into something that is quality made, get many wears out of it and look great every time you wear it… or keep

    buying cheap clothes that you end up throwing away or keeping forever, but not wearing them EVER.

    • False Belief #5: “I just hate shopping!”

    Yes, most men do. It is an unpleasant experience.

    But do you know why?

    It’s because they don’t have a purpose.

    In other words, they don’t know what they are looking for, what is the right size for them and where to find it quickly without wasting time.

    On the other hand, if you knew what essential items you need, what your size is and where to find them, shopping is quick and you end up actually liking what you bought for yourself. 

    You immediately know it was the right choice. The clothes that you buy become an investment - you no longer pick things at random but only these items that you need in your wardrobe and are of high quality.

    • False Belief #6: “I am so busy…I don’t have time to shop!”

    How heartbreaking is it to spend so much time working, becoming a professional and in the end not being taken seriously because of the image you portray.

    Or worse, missing out on opportunities that you would have had if you signalled trust and professionalism.

    Building a functional wardrobe is not simple, but it certainly would not consume your life…

    Investing in your style is a process – it is something that every man does either well or badly.

    Think about it...

    You end up buying clothing because you have to, but don’t know what to invest in… so you spend more for a wardrobe that doesn’t compliment your image.

    It is not the time that you need, as much as the right guidance and understanding of style.

    • False Belief #7: “This is just not important right now.”

    A Year From Now, You’re Going To Be A Year Older.

    The men that are 100x, no +1000x more successful know something. They know it and they waste no time and spare no expense to get it.

    Once they figured it out, they learn how to get everything they could out of everything they’ve got.

    And I know for a fact that with the right guidance, you can shave YEARS off the road to success.

    The clothes we wear communicate something. If people don’t understand, or worse, don’t like what you tell them, they’ll NEVER talk to you.

    If you keep doing what you have always done and never change yourself, you will always have the same results in your life.

    Now is the moment to make the right decision that will change the course of your life forever.


    “Since I am responsible for my income, I had come to realize how I presented myself was almost as important as how well I provided service to my patients, especially since many of the patients have to pay for my services.

    I have learned that the better I dress, the more they are inclined to pay.. almost as if my role in their healthcare is elevated because of how I dress.”


    Take A Look Inside The Personal Image System

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    How Do You Want Others To Remember You?

    You want your style to communicate the right message.

    You want people to remember that:

    • You’re credible.
    • You’re not like everybody else.
    • You’ve got something worth saying and listening to.
    • You’re better than other guys they’ve met.
    • You’re worth being paid 2x, 5x, and even 10x more than the competition.

    Isn’t it time the world heard your story?

    Before they do, make sure it’s polished to perfection so they’ll never forget you.

    It is time to take action.

    How The Game Is Constantly Being Player Around You

    Discover the secret of successful people and how you can become like them with the right guidance.

    To be honest - starting out, I had mentors.

    I learned from the best in the industry - professionals who’d been where I was trying to go.

    People who shared the insider secrets on the mistakes they made so I wouldn’t have to. If they did not show me the ropes, I’d have spent YEARS, maybe decades, trying to figure things out on my own.

    Instead, thanks to what I learned, in a short space of time I became featured in several international publications such as The Wall Street Journal, TIME Magazine, The Chicago Tribune, CNN and others.

    I know for a fact that with the right guidance, you can shave YEARS off the road to success.

    Think about it:

    Ryan Gosling never wonders where his next pay check is coming from.

    Denzel Washington ever so much as ponders whether he can get the girl at the bar or not.

    It’s no question or hesitation.

    Only expectation.

    People like them know how to impact people's opinion of them in a positive way.

    The result is consistent - they are perceived as charming, powerful and successful.

    You can go and try to convince a woman how great you are, but if your body language, style and her general perception of you is incongruent with all that… you can be pretty sure that things wouldn’t be going anywhere.

    What is it that these successful people have that you don’t?

    What do they use to their advantage to achieve the success they deserve?

    The Vision Of What They Want To Achieve

    Men who want to develop themselves know that they need to change.

    They have a vision of what they want to achieve.

    They know what their purpose is.

    • Being respected by their colleagues and friends
    • Being treated differently than most people
    • Being appreciated for who they really are
    • Earning the money they deserve to earn
    • Attracting women by being the best men they can be

    What is your vision?

    The Right Mindset To Take The Necessary Actions

    Men who want to develop themselves understand that even if they had all the knowledge in the world, they wouldn’t achieve their goals unless they changed their thinking.

    Knowledge isn’t power… taking action and having the right mindset is.

    They are not afraid to take actions, to look for guidance from professionals.

    Successful implement what they have learned and reap the rewards.

    What is your mindset?

    The System To Implement All This Automatically

    Having the right system in their life that takes care of everything automatically.

    From buying the right clothes…

    … learning how to combine different patterns and colors

    … knowing what to wear during the weekend at a party vs at the office

    …to taking care of your wardrobe so it takes care of you for the years to come.

    A system that combines all of this and more.

    The Personal Image System is the only online comprehensive course on men’s style which you can take from anywhere, including every tool and guide known to produce significant “automatic” results.

    It is my mission to set you on the road to success.

    I offer you the opportunity to discover how you can improve your style in a matter of days.

    You can take this course on your computer, tablet or phone at any point of time that is convenient for you.

    Yes, this means that you can take any of the style guides with you next time you are looking to buy a classic navy blazer, for example (The Blueprint: Core Wardrobe).

    “I have Antonio with me every day. I would take the bus and listen to his audiobooks or read his articles and try and better myself as a man. I had to learn the hard way to be patient and humble and know that no matter how many failures I go through the goal is to keep an eye on the end destination and give a damn. Knowledge without action leads to frustration.


    "Your guide to success, every step of the way."


    Full Access Bonuses

    Use this printable checklist to figure out what you should buy to make sure your wardrobe is complete. Track new purchases so you don’t waste money on clothes you don’t need.

    At the end of the Formula, your $100 bonus will be waiting for you as a graduation gift. This is to set you on the right track and help you become the man you have wanted to be.

    Get access to my best-selling program that thousands of men have used to improve their style instantly. Now, I am giving it away for free as part of the Blueprint Bonuses.

    The Core Wardrobe is a gift to The Blueprint. It gives you specific information on more than 60 items that are be in the wardrobe of a stylish man.

    Discover how your image can help you earn more and what style signals trust and accountability.

    Learn how to manage your facial and body hair in a presentable manner that accentuates your personal style and looks attractive.

    This simple Grooming Guide isn’t meant to revamp the way you cut you nails by showing you 5 cool ways to do it. Rather – it’s here to show you a single simple path and remind you to be proactive rather than reactive in your grooming habits.

    This section is a course on its own, which will give you a detailed understanding of style and the science behind it.

    This eBook on Body Language will teach you how to "sense" what others think but do not say with their words. Learn how to "read" other to be able to communicate better and avoid issues naturally.

    This section is another course on its own. Here you will learn what habits you need to have in place so that you can always have the best appearance without having to even think about it.

    This is the ultimate Hair Guide eBook for men who want to take good care of their hair, have a great haircut and learn how to use products for a unique and style.

    This bonus eBook with give you the fundamentals of how to behave, which  can be the difference between a gentleman and a brute.

    Learn about manly etiquette, which is as much a part of your appearance, as the cut of your suit. It affects how everyone perceives you, from the waiter you tip to the person watching you tip them.

    The styles have changed, but the social competition and the rules that govern it are just as real as they were in the days when you filled out dance cards. This guide is about you getting the most from your time and money spent.

    Is The Personal Image System Right For You?

    Let me tell this straight up – this course is not for everyone.

    You can read all the information I give to you, listen to all the videos and extra materials, join the community of men who have achieved style mastery BUT… on its own it not enough.

    There is no point for you to take it if you are not willing to take actions towards your improvement.

    There is no point for you to take it if you are not willing to take actions towards your improvement.


    This course is for you if you are serious about wanting to be better, if you have waited for the right moment when you will be presented with the best opportunity possible.

    Every step in the course will bring you closer to your ultimate goal. This is how this system is designed and this is what has been proven to work over the year – time and time again.

    I present to you this opportunity TODAY – your first step towards your style mastery is to take that initial step.

    100% Money Back Guarantee

    I made the course affordable so any man committed to change could take it.

    And the risk? There is none.

    I offer a 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

    You make a psychological commitment when you invest in a course.

    No skin in the game? You will not take action.

    This course is ALL about you taking action.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    “Can’t I piece this together for free across the internet?” +

    You probably could. I believe that you can learn everything that you want to just by spending the time.

    Ask yourself this: How much is your time worth? In other words, how much do you think you can realistically make in an hour of hard work?

    Now think about the time it will take you to put together the information, guidance and expertise I have put into this course.

    Men who invest in themselves take action.

    “Why is this course worth my hard-earned money?” +

    How long would it take you to read thousands of fashion magazines, style books, and social psychology texts? How much would a library of these academic periodicals cost?

    The answer is thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars. Your time is valuable.

    “The Personal Image Blueprint” is a collection of my best style articles written over the last five years – the product of thousands of hours of research and study. All of these articles are updated, improved, and organized to ensure a pleasurable reading experience.

    In addition – I’m one of the few men’s style writers who also works as a custom clothier and image consultant. This has given me a deeper insight into the practical application of the style lessons I teach.

    The result is a comprehensive collection of modern style knowledge in an easily searchable and conveniently portable electronic format.

    “Why is this course so expensive?” +

    I priced this program based on the value I know it will deliver within one year of purchase. If this course helps you to make smarter purchasing decisions, helps you to save time, enables you to dress better, and feel better about yourself……it will have easily paid for itself 10X over.

    Over the period of 5 years I feel you’ll get a 100X return as you’ll get promoted or have opportunities come your way that you would have otherwise missed.

    This is a life-changing course at a bargain price – in my opinion.


    “Why is this course so inexpensive?” +

    I want this membership site to be available to men from all income levels. I also find that since I’m delivering thousands of dollars in value it makes for a very happy customer – in fact, my return rate is less than 1/2 of one percent.

    Yes – this program is that good!

    “Where is your proof that this course will improve my life?” +

    Our free content across major media outlets speaks for itself – The New Times, TIME Magazine, The Chicago Tribune, CNN, Men’s Health, YouTube.

    Just Google Antonio Centeno and you’ll see what I mean!

    “What happens right after I buy?” +

    You will receive an automatic email asking you to register

    Also, I am tracking who joins and within 24 hours of your confirmed registration I will email you.

    If for some reason you can’t get in – email me at